Gab wasn't showing any signs of being ready quite yet so we figured it was safe enough to make the trip to the airport to meet our newest additions (we'll introduce them later!), but never one to follow any sort of schedule she surprised the the girls with going into labor late Monday night.
Great experience for our newest staff member in training Harper, who has two pups out of our very first litter from Gabby and Lee and whose family will be housing Benny's future litter.
Our vet made it to the house before us but thankfully didn't need to do much other than keep an eye on things. Gab had no issues, with a short and smooth labor, and was recovering happily with her new furballs when by the time we got back.

Water litter consists of four healthy puppies: a black/rust, the only female, and red/rust we were expecting as well as what seems to be two Black melanistic boys. We're positive at least one of the black boys will maintain the melanistic coat but we're not totally sure if the other boy will grow into some markings or if he'll be malesnatic as well.

It's only been a couple days but we're already very happy with what we're seeing from this litter. This was meant to be our last of this line but we may need to reconsider that should one of the American line pups win an appropriate title.