We've been a bit quiet on this end with Sophie's litter, she's had a bit of a rough time of it and a couple complications, so we felt it was best to keep cameras out of her face and let her quietly adjust to being pregnant without much interference.

Our recent update from Liten Flod confirmed that she's doing much better now that she's a bit further into the pregnancy and we're less worried about complications now then we were a couple weeks ago but we feel like it's still probably best to let her do her own thing without constantly having a camera in her face. Sadly, less updates to share but hopefully it's for the best!
Circumstances have meant that getting an accurate puppy count has been difficult but we do have a general estimate and will start contacting those on our waitlist soon. We do truly wish that she'd had a smoother first pregnancy, I'm sure every breeder knows the pitfalls and the worry of losing not only the unborn pups but your dam as well, and we are so incredibly relieved to see her coming around as we get closer to the end of it.
We did get a belly update along with the estimated puppy count that we're excited to see! Nipples have dropped and puppies can be felt moving around so it shouldn't be too much longer at this point. We're estimating sometime early December for birth, just in time for Gemma to start showing if we're lucky.
